Cross tréningy, Špecialitky


Saturday the 13th

Very entertaining fullbody flexible functional absolutely universal training for everyone who likes to move.

You just need to finish all of the next 13 „mini-workouts“ + some small warmup in advance. Here are the instructions 😉:


AFAP do the following 13 workouts, ☝️ each of them start with next WarmUp (also totaly You will finish 13 x warm up + all the 13 following workouts):

🍵 Cardio WarmUp = 300m ROW / alternatively 60 JumpingJacks or 12 x 8m Shuttle Runs


  1. 1 BoxJump + 2 Burpees + 3 BoxJumps + 4 Burpees +…+9 BoxJumps + 10 Burpees
  2. 6 x 8 meteres Burpee Broad Jumps
  3. 25 x Devils Press (2 dumbells)
  4. 1 Monkey Crawling 6 meters + 2 Pull Up + 3 Monkey + 4 Pull Up + 5 Monkey + 6 Pull Up
  5. Accumulate 130 Seconds in Plank (!Strict, You can use plate on Your back if is it easy for You)
  6. Accumulate 130 Seconds in Hang (on bar or rings, pegs etc)
  7. 30 Butterfly SitUps + 20 V-Ups + 10 ToesToBar
  8. 10 x DoubleUnders + 2 WallWalks + 30 Double Unders + 4 WallWalks + 5 Double Unders + 6 Wall Walks
  9. 25 x Heavy Ball Over Shoulder (or Smash Heavy Balls from Overhead to the ground)
  10. 30 Push Ups + 30 Jumping Squats + 20 Push Ups + 20 Jumping Squats + 10 Push Ups + 10 Jumping Squats
  11. 20 OverHeadSsquats + 20 Lunges + 15 OHS + 15 Lunges + 10 OHS + 10 Lunges + 5 OHS + 5 Lunges
  12. Accumulate 120 Seconds in HandStand (if easy, on 1 hand only; if too heavy make HeadStand)
  13. 10 x 50 meteres Heavy Carry with Plates in Your Hands

When You will be ready, You can take a coffee 😁

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