Cross tréningy, Kalistenika, OCR, Špecialitky, Warm up


TRIO-KOMORA and SWEAT HARMONY complete training

Complete fullbody training for everybody who wants to improve his power, endurance, metabolic condition, technigue, body skills, core and methal strength. Great for OCR, body shaping, bodybuilders but also the fitness challenge lovers!

The main part of this training (B) is designed for 3 people but of course You can do it alone…

Take Your friends, childrens, partners, competitors 😉 and enjoy this party 💪🤞😁✌️


A. Warm Up „Sweat Harmony“

EMOM  24 (2 x 12) Minutes

  1. ROWer
  2. Bear Crawls
  3. Battle Rope
  4. Frog Jumps
  5. Jumping Jacks
  6. Crabs Quadrupedal
  7. Shuttle Runs
  8. Dog Quadrupedal Pes
  9. Rope Jump
  10. Rolling Superman „Valec“
  11. Mountain Climber
  12. 5th Tibetian


B. WOD „TRIO – KOMORA“conditioni

Change every  –  TARGET  –  Waiting for:

  1.   10 Burpees  –  210 Pull Ups  –  Plank
  2.   15+15 Lunges  –  300 Sit Ups  –  Wall Sit
  3.   15 KTB SDHP  –  300 Dips  –  Hang
  4.   Monkey (1-2x)  –  160 Smash Ball  –  SuperMan (GHD)
  5.   7 Calories  –  160 OHS  –  Hand Stand

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