Cross tréningy, OCR


Target Mania

The next fullbody metcon workout could be as intensive as You want, can even be extremaly challenging!

By every of next circle alternate the 2 exercises untill the Target is done:

A. 10 x Non-pushup-Burpee – alternate – MAX Number of WallBall in 30 Seconds !untill TARGET = 100 WallBalls

B. 10 x Box Jump Over – alternate – MAX Knees To Elbow in 30 Seconds !untill TARGET = 100 K2E

C. 1 (2) Monkey 6meters – alternate – MAX HeavyBall Smashes in 30 Seconds !untill TARGET = 100 HB Smashes

D. 6 Calories on the ROW – alternate – MAX A-Swing in 30 Seconds !untill TARGET = 100 A-Swings

E. 20 Seconds Hang – alternate – MAX Hand Stand Hold !Untill TARGET Accumulate 5minutes HS Hold


In between the circles You can take 1-2 minutes to take a breath…

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