HAPPY BIRTHDAY – Party Game 🥳😁 I made by the ocassion of 10th aniversary of our home gym @crossgymzilina. Also it means You will need to perform every exercise 10times to obtain the letter You need. You have 2 possibilities (surely You can find more 😉):
- Simply made the „HAPPY BIRTHDAY“ from the letters under in the order as You prefer (the letters they are two times means You need to perform also twice, of course ☝️).
- You can write the letters on the small papers, turn them oposite and choose randomly. If You „need“ this letter, perform the „mini-workout“ and continue. If You do not need (You already performed before, just make 30 JJ or 10 Calories and continue…untill You will get all the wish – hope it will be less then few hours 😁😎🙏
- H Burpee Pull Up / alt Burpee Monkey
- A Burpee Box Jump Over / alt Burpee Box Step Up
- P Burpee Wall Ball Throw / alt Burpee on Target
- Y Burpee + Reverse Burpee / alt Burpee Sit Up
- B Burpee Shuttle Run / Burpee Jump Over „something“
- I Burpee Rope Climb / Burpee Swing on the Rope over the Ball (or something)
- R Burpee Roll (Kotúľ) / Burpee Board Jump
- T Burpee Devils @2db / Burpee Devils with WallBall
- D Burpee Pneu Flip / alt BP Heavy Ball Over Shoulder
Note: As You can se You have alternative by every exercise so You can choose the most „sweetable/sweatable? for You 💪🙃
Enjoy my friends !!!