Cross tréningy, OCR, Tréningy


Rep for Rep, Tooth for Tooth

OCR functional and fullbody workout for improving power, metabolic and cardio condition. Everything is depending from Your choice of excersices difficulty, weights and tempo You will hold all the time during this workout. In any case, the safety first also think on good technique – remember this is training and if You cheat Your trainings You just cheat Yourself …

Also here is te WOD „Rep for Rep, Tooth for Tooth“

Partners workout consisting from 5 Circles (no rest between the Circles), by each Circle the 1st Partner is doing 1st excersices as long as the 2nd Partner satisfy the 2nd excersice, after they change immediately and repeat untill the TimeCap is Over for each Circle:

Partners will perform 5 Circles – every Circle has 10 Minutes TimeCap, no rest in between:

A. 1O min AMRAP

1st Monkey – as long as 2nd performs  50 x Rope Jump

B. 10 min AMRAP

1st Battle Rope – as long as 2nd performs Plank Walk Around The Box

C. 10 min AMRAP

1st ROW – as long as 2nd performs 8 x Heavy Ball Over Shoulder

D. 10 min AMRAP

1st in Side Plank – as long as 2nd performs 2 x Rope Climb (alt 4 Rope Pulls from the Ground)

E. 10 min AMRAP

1st in SuperMan Position – as long as 2nd performs 10 Wall Balls


Enjoy 💪🤘

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