

Easy Tabata Calistenic

Easy Calistenic Tabata Training where everybody can set the difficulty for each exercise.

By every of next circle You will alternate two exercises for the full Tabata 30-10 Round (this means for examplpe A1-A2-A1-A2-A1-A2-A1-A2) then continue to next combination  etc…

This You will make 6 times, it means Tabata for A1+A2, then B1+B2, C1+C2, and again A1+A2, B1+B2, C1+C2, totaly it will take 30 minutes.


  • A1 Explosive Horizontal Pull Ups
  • A2 Explosive Push Ups


  • B1 Jumping Squats In-Out
  • B2 Fast Hip Thrust


  • C1 Pinguin (touch the toes with fingers along Your body)
  • C2 Butterfly in Superman Position

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